Certifications & Requirements
Get ready, get certified!
You’ll be building your own shelter and cooking your own food at Camporee.
Be sure to get the knowledge and skills you need so you can be Camporee Certified.
Camporee Certification Course
The Camporee Certification Course prepares Cadets and counselors for an international camporee and they must pass it in order to attend.
One handbook is needed for each Cadet or counselor taking the Camporee Certification Course.
The certificate found in this handbook must be completed, signed, and sent in when registering for an international camporee.
International Camporee Requirements
In addition to earning the Camporee Certification, Cadets, Counselors, and Jr. Counselors must meet the following requirements:
- Have parent/guardian permission
- Have completed registration form
- Have registration fee paid
- Be 11 years of age on or before December 31, 2023
- Have club approval
- Must earn the Camporee Certification Award, including the Camporee Certification Course and earn merit badges for Camp Cooking, Knots and Lashing, Axemanship, Fire Building, or in place of the four badges, earn the Woodsman Guide Trail
Jr. Counselors
- Have parent/guardian permission
- Have completed registration form
- Have registration fee paid
- Be 15 years of age on or before December 31, 2023
- Have completed the Jr Counselor Certification Course and the counselor section of the Camporee Certification Course
- Have demonstrated leadership ability at the club level and be approved by your local club head counselor
- Live a life that demonstrates that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life
- Be an active counselor
- Have completed registration form
- Have registration fee paid
- Have completed the Counselor Certification Course
- Have club, church, council, and steering committee approval
- Have completed the Corps approved counselor section of the Camporee Certification Course
- Live a life that demonstrates that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life
Cornel Rylaarsdam Memorial Fund
Some families would like to send their son to an international camporee, but they simply don’t have the financial resources to make it work. The CRMF is available to help pay part or all of the registration fees for individuals who need help. The request is reviewed by the Steering Committee of the International Camporee.
Give to the Fund
Your contribution will give boys the opportunity to participate in this great adventure.