Cadre Boxes
Cadre Boxes
Every cadre at Camporee needs a cadre box for food preparation and other in-camp chores. Here are a few ways they can be constructed.

“Hybrid” Cadre Box
This newest set of plans comes from our former Art/Media Director. Using a large, pre-made tote can save you a lot of time building a lightweight box.

Traditional Cadre Box
This design, by Frank Ayre of Wood-N-Stream Council, is typical of what cadres have used in past Camporees. It is made of plywood, conduit, and some hardware.
Cornel Rylaarsdam Memorial Fund
Some families would like to send their son to an international camporee, but they simply don’t have the financial resources to make it work. The CRMF is available to help pay part or all of the registration fees for individuals who need help. The request is reviewed by the Steering Committee of the International Camporee.
Give to the Fund
Your contribution will give boys the opportunity to participate in this great adventure.