Kamp Longview
Alberta, Canada
July 15-22, 2026
Join us at Kamp Longview for the 2026 Cadet International Camporee!
Hundreds of Cadets and Counselors will be camping in Alberta, Canada, working together to develop and strengthen outdoor skills, witnessing the awesome wonder of God’s creation, and living for Jesus.
Cadet International Camporee
The Cadet International Camporee is a week-long camping trip that takes place every three years.
Locations vary depending on the Cadet Council that is hosting.
Cornel Rylaarsdam Memorial Fund
Some families would like to send their son to an international camporee, but they simply don’t have the financial resources to make it work. The CRMF is available to help pay part or all of the registration fees for individuals who need help. The request is reviewed by the Steering Committee of the International Camporee.
Give to the Fund
Your contribution will give boys the opportunity to participate in this great adventure.